War Diaries Search Results

Showing 50 results of 1631
Diary Date Diary No  
1 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 1 Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 04/08/1914 - 31/08/1919 04 August 1914 - 31 August 1919 1103 view diary
1 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 1 Signal Squadron Royal Engineers : 04/08/1914 - 31/08/1919 04 August 1914 - 31 August 1919 1103 view diary
2 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 2 Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 04/08/1914 - 30/04/1919 04 August 1914 - 30 April 1919 1123 view diary
2 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Signal Squadron Royal Engineers : 01/08/1915 - 30/04/1919 01 August 1915 - 30 April 1919 1123 view diary
3 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 3 Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 16/09/1914 - 22/05/1919 16 September 1914 - 22 May 1919 1146 view diary
3 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Signal Squadron : 01/01/1915 - 31/03/1919 01 January 1915 - 31 March 1919 1146 view diary
4 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 4 Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 01/01/1917 - 20/04/1918 01 January 1917 - 20 April 1918 1158 view diary
4 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Squadron : 01/03/1917 - 28/02/1918 01 March 1917 - 28 February 1918 1158 view diary
4 CAVALRY DIVISION Sialkot Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Troop : 05/01/1916 - 28/02/1918 05 January 1916 - 28 February 1918 1159 view diary
4 CAVALRY DIVISION Mhow Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 31/12/1916 - 28/02/1918 31 December 1916 - 28 February 1918 1160 view diary
4 CAVALRY DIVISION Lucknow Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 01/01/1917 - 28/02/1918 01 January 1917 - 28 February 1918 1161 view diary
5 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 5 Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 01/01/1917 - 20/04/1918 01 January 1917 - 20 April 1918 1163 view diary
5 CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 5 Signal Squadron : 01/01/1917 - 30/03/1918 01 January 1917 - 30 March 1918 1163 view diary
5 CAVALRY DIVISION Secunderabad Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 01/01/1917 - 31/05/1917 01 January 1917 - 31 May 1917 1165 view diary
1 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Headquarters, Branches and Services Corps of Royal Engineers Commander Royal Engineers : 07/11/1914 - 28/02/1915 07 November 1914 - 28 February 1915 1169 view diary
1 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 1 Indian Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 02/02/1915 - 31/12/1916 02 February 1915 - 31 December 1916 1170 view diary
1 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Squadron : 28/12/1914 - 31/12/1916 28 December 1914 - 31 December 1916 1170 view diary
1 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Lucknow Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 03/08/1914 - 31/12/1916 03 August 1914 - 31 December 1916 1175 view diary
1 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Mhow Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 19/12/1914 - 30/09/1916 19 December 1914 - 30 September 1916 1177 view diary
1 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Sialkot Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 17/08/1914 - 30/09/1916 17 August 1914 - 30 September 1916 1179 view diary
2 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 2 Field Squadron Royal Engineers : 03/01/1914 - 31/12/1916 03 January 1914 - 31 December 1916 1182 view diary
2 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Squadron : 03/01/1914 - 31/12/1916 03 January 1914 - 31 December 1916 1182 view diary
2 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Squadron : 03/01/1914 - 31/12/1916 03 January 1914 - 31 December 1916 1182 view diary
2 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Ambala Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 04/08/1914 - 15/09/1915 04 August 1914 - 15 September 1915 1185 view diary
2 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Meerut Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 14/10/1914 - 25/05/1916 14 October 1914 - 25 May 1916 1186 view diary
2 INDIAN CAVALRY DIVISION Secunderabad Cavalry Brigade Corps of Royal Engineers Brigade Signal Troop : 12/03/1914 - 31/12/1916 12 March 1914 - 31 December 1916 1188 view diary
DISMOUNTED CAVALRY DIVISIONS Dismounted Cavalry Divisions Corps of Royal Engineers Headquarters Branches and Services: Commander Royal Engineers : 01/02/1915 - 13/02/1916 01 February 1915 - 13 February 1916 1189 view diary
GUARDS DIVISION Headquarters, Branches and Services Corps of Royal Engineers Commander Royal Engineers : 15/08/1915 - 24/04/1919 15 August 1915 - 24 April 1919 1202 view diary
GUARDS DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 55 Field Company Royal Engineers : 19/07/1915 - 31/03/1919 19 July 1915 - 31 March 1919 1205 view diary
GUARDS DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 75 Field Company Royal Engineers : 19/07/1915 - 31/03/1919 19 July 1915 - 31 March 1919 1205 view diary
GUARDS DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 76 Field Company Royal Engineers : 19/07/1915 - 31/03/1919 19 July 1915 - 31 March 1919 1205 view diary
GUARDS DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Company : 19/07/1915 - 31/03/1919 19 July 1915 - 31 March 1919 1205 view diary
1 DIVISION Headquarters, Branches and Services Corps of Royal Engineers Commander Royal Engineers : 04/08/1914 - 30/04/1915 04 August 1914 - 30 April 1915 1244 view diary
1 DIVISION Headquarters, Branches and Services Corps of Royal Engineers Commander Royal Engineers : 01/05/1915 - 30/04/1916 01 May 1915 - 30 April 1916 1245 view diary
1 DIVISION Headquarters, Branches and Services Corps of Royal Engineers Commander Royal Engineers : 01/05/1916 - 18/09/1919 01 May 1916 - 18 September 1919 1246 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 23 Field Company Royal Engineers : 04/08/1914 - 30/04/1918 04 August 1914 - 30 April 1918 1252 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 26 Field Company Royal Engineers : 10/08/1914 - 30/04/1919 10 August 1914 - 30 April 1919 1253 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 409 Field Company Royal Engineers : 13/12/1914 - 31/01/1917 13 December 1914 - 31 January 1917 1253 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 409 Field Company Royal Engineers : 01/02/1917 - 30/09/1919 01 February 1917 - 30 September 1919 1254 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 75 Field Company Royal Engineers : 01/04/1919 - 23/09/1919 01 April 1919 - 23 September 1919 1254 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 76 Field Company Royal Engineers : 01/04/1919 - 31/08/1919 01 April 1919 - 31 August 1919 1254 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers Divisional Signal Company : 05/08/1914 - 14/06/1919 05 August 1914 - 14 June 1919 1255 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 1 Battalion Machine Gun Corps : 01/03/1918 - 31/07/1919 01 March 1918 - 31 July 1919 1256 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 216 Machine Gun Company : 17/03/1917 - 28/02/1918 17 March 1917 - 28 February 1918 1256 view diary
1 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 13 Sanitary Section : 08/04/1915 - 31/03/1917 08 April 1915 - 31 March 1917 1259 view diary
2 DIVISION Headquarters, Branches and Services Corps of Royal Engineers Commander Royal Engineers : 01/02/1914 - 30/08/1919 01 February 1914 - 30 August 1919 1322 view diary
2 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers `S' Squadron South Irish Horse : 16/08/1914 - 30/04/1917 16 August 1914 - 30 April 1917 1324 view diary
2 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 5 Field Company Royal Engineers : 04/08/1914 - 31/12/1918 04 August 1914 - 31 December 1918 1330 view diary
2 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 11 Field Company Royal Engineers : 15/08/1914 - 30/11/1915 15 August 1914 - 30 November 1915 1331 view diary
2 DIVISION Divisional Troops Corps of Royal Engineers 226 Field Company Royal Engineers : 17/11/1915 - 30/11/1915 17 November 1915 - 30 November 1915 1331 view diary